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/She observes me , everyday, jumps out of the bed with me, in the mirror she again looks at me, reminding me that she is still there, that she is not going anywhere, that my heaven is not heaven without her hell and that in the most peaceful of my days she will still be there whispering…/

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/She observes me , everyday, jumps out of the bed with me, in the mirror she again looks at me, reminding me that she is still there, that she is not going anywhere, that my heaven is not heaven without her hell and that in the most peaceful of my days she will still be there whispering…/

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/She is patient, never in a hurry, it is because she knows she is the winner, she has always been, she is unfamiliar with fear and darkness because they all begin with her/ 

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/With each stroke of light I see how she hides, then she shows her self; and blinds me./

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/She starts showing in all the good and bad things that surround me, until she captures me, and then I am hers; a servant of her affliction, a wilted slave of her death, of her anguish./

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/Her’s because she makes me understand that she is everything; that she is sorrow, grief, sadness and that even in the beauty of life, she is there waiting for me, to tell me that is time to leave, to go back to reality, of course: her reality, that is also mine, cause now i’m her torment, her calmness , fussing together forever, waiting for the end, my sorrow, her happiness, her anxiety, her victory and then…my death./

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